Safety Tip for Downtown San Diego Residences

You live in a high rise and look down from your balcony and see it’s a long way down to the ground. You wouldn’t think anyone would be so brave to scale the building that high but you could be wrong. A couple weeks we had someone scale the Lion’s Manor in the Marina District in Downtown San Diego. This building is catty corner from 235 on Market and a couple blocks down from Renaissance condos.

The man was apparently on drugs because who is crazy enough to risk their lives to scale a high rise in downtown San Diego? People don’t amaze me any more these days. So before you leave your condo or loft, you may want to lock your patio doors. This guy was able to get to the 5th floor before police came and arrested him. And what do you know? He is going to also be faced with drug charges.

Take a look at the video below and see the full details.
So be safe out there and don’t take anything for granted!