Water Shut of in Downtown San Diego

Marriott Marquee San DiegoI’m sure we’ve all had our water cut off from time to time.  This time, it was 2 major hotels and part of Seaport Village that lost their water.


The expansion at the Marriott Marquee is where things went wrong.  The workers broke into a 12 inch pipe that led the city to turn off the water.  Many restaurants were forced to close early and lost thousands of dollars because of this incident.


The location is in the Marina District in Downtown San Diego.  South Harbor Drive was closed for a time period while the water was coming out of the broken pipe.


Apparently these owners and the city will be reimbursed for any damages and efforts to clean the water lines once they’re back up and the clean up.  This is a good idea to remember to have insurance for your downtown San Diego condo!